
Hello adventurers! Today is our turn to evaluate you, Jose!! Don't be nervous! We are going to be good girls :)

We are in love with your subject because you are a great teacher who have known how to teach English very well. You know how to arouse the interest of your students. 

So, we are going to talk about the strenghts and weaknesses about the subject.


We think that the most complicated about the subject has been the time for do the projects, because these projects weren't simple. We needed more time to do them, but we didn't have it. Another complication about the projects is that the components of our group aren't live closer or in the same city, so we had to work only in class or online. And all people know how to difficult is work online. 

Finally, we are talking about projects. In some of them, we find some problems to do them. For example, when we had to record our voices, when we had to make the chart or when we had to lay out the videos.


Generally, your classes have been very fun and dynamics. We loved the sense’s game and we think that it was a great idea to know the vocabulary. Also, we found very interesting the videos that you select to practice the listening.
But, the thing that we liked most was the Kahoot application. Definitely, it has been a great discovery that we will use with our future students.

Thank you to tell and show us that it is possible make the classes fun and motivate us for be great future teachers.

We love you ^^

Hello adventurers! Today in class our classmates Paula and Cynthia have presented in class the video we have made about the changes in our schools. The video shows the changes that have occurred since we studied there.

For example, Paula's school called "Paidos" in Alicante and Cynthia's "Crist del miracle" in Valencia are concerted schools but the school of Silvia, called "San Roque" in Alcoi and Miriam's "Victor Pradera" in Elche are public schools.

Sorry but we can not upload our video because its size exceeds the maximum allowed (100 MB)

If you want you can watch the video by clicking on the link.

In conclusion, all the schools have changed their methodology, except Miriam's school.

Thank you to our partners for watch our video and good job team!!

Good afternoon! 

Today in class we continuated doing our penultimate project. 

It is about our schools. We have to make a video where our classmates can see how our schools were, how they are nowadays, the methodology that is used to teach students, experiences with teachers, classmates... 

So, last week, each member of the group looked for information about the schools and wrote experiences who remember having lived there. 

When the teacher finished the first part of the class, my classmates and I, went out to the class to look for place in silence to record our voices telling the information about each school. 

After that, we searched some photos to included in the video. 

It has been fun and we are sure that the project will be great! 

                                                       Hello adventurers, on Tuesday in class the teacher has taught us the passive voice and then we have played the scavenger hunt.

The teacher has given each group a sheet to fill with famous movies. But in order to fill out the sheet we needed the clues, which were spread out by the faculty. 

Each track was in a different place of the faculty so we had to run a lot to be able to fill all the texts with passive voice. 

When we completed the list of movies we ran back to our class with a student, which was the last order of our tracks.
It was a very fun and sporty practice, we were fourth and it was fantastic :)

Then we watched a video about the influence of the teachers and played the kahoot.

Yesterday our partners Silvia and Miriam presented the mind map of animals. 

First Silvia explained the mind map and then Miriam played the handkerchief game with the class to review the types of animals. 


Before starting to play the fellow volunteers were organized in two rows and Silvia gave each team the same animal flashcards. 

When Miriam described the animal, for example: "It is a wild animal, mammal and  hervibore of gray color.." the companions who had the flashcard of that animal had to run to take the handkerchief without the opponent to catch them and say what animal was.

We are very happy because the presentation was good and our teammates had a lot of fun playing.



Yesterday, Tuesday, we whatched a video with YouTube, and then, we played with "Kahoot". The last twenty minutes, we started to prepare our maind map. We have chosen the animals.

Today, we started to make our maind map. On the one hand, we have made three classifications. The first one is about where the animals live. Then, about how they are born. And the last one, what do they eat.

On the other hand, we have designed a game to work the animals and Miriam made this afternoon the flashcards of animals for the game.