
Today our colleagues Cinthya and Paula have presented the results of our questionnaire about the methodologies in English classes in a powerpoint.

Click on the orange link and you can see our powerpoint and give an opinion :)
                                         PRESENTATION OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE

We are very proud of the presentation and the intervention of our partners.


Today, we have continued with the questionnaire's project. 

We have recieved the results of the questionnaire that we sent to children the last day. Also, we have been analysing the results and then, we have studied each case. 

After that, we have made a Power Point to show the rest of the class which are the results of our questionnaire. 

Tomorrow, Cynthia and Paula are going to show the final project in front of the class, so, they have been working on their exposition.

While they were preparing that, Miriam and I were doing the rest of the project (explain before). 

Hello adventurers, today after the exam we continue working on the project. First, we have translated the questionnaire and then we have introduced it in google forms to be able to put the results tomorrow. Next we created the presentation in powerpoint to present it on Friday.

This afternoon we will receive the answers, and tomorrow we will analyze the results.

We are impatient!!!!

Hello adventurers, today in class we have seen a short video on Youtube that shows how the classrooms of the future could be, and then we played Kahoot answering questions about the video. 

After, the teacher has explained the project that we will present on Friday. We must make a questionnaire about the education. Today, we have thought the questionnaire questions. Our questionnaire is about the methodology to learn English.

This afternoon Miriam will deliver the questionnaries to a teacher from a public school and tomorrow we can see the answers of the students of the second of primary education.

Today our partners Silvia and Cynthia have presented in class our video titled "Eyes that don't see, cake that you don't eat", a modern version about the Little Red Riding Hood story. I hope that you enjoy it!!


Today we have recorded the audio of our story with phone of Paula. 

The name of our story is "Eyes that don't see, cake that you don't eat" and tomorrow we will teach it to our partners.

In addition we have drawn the different pictures that will have our story.

To finish Miriam has made the video with the voices and the pictures of our story.

Today we have been rewriting the story of Little Red Riding Hood, which is going to be called "Eyes that don't see, cake that you don't eat"

Soon we will have it ready :)

Today, we have played the game of the senses. It is compound of two part.

The first part of the game consists in forming four lists of ten words each list. These, are related with four of the five human senses (smell, touch, sight and hearing).

After that, we must to copy the lists with each word on the paper that the teacher gave us.

 Then, we can start playing! 

The second part of the game, consist in:
1. One companion covers his/her eyes.
2. The teacher give us some things related with one of the five senses.
3. The companion who his/her eyes has covered, have to guess the adjective related with the thing that smell, touch, listen, see or taste.

It is important to say that the adjective that the companion have to say is a word that we have learnd before play this game.

Here, you can see, some photos of our group playing.

Silvia touching.

Cyntia tasting.

Paula listening.

The other day our partners Miriam and Silvia made an exhibition about the education in Shanghai with our wonderful poster and it was great.

Thanks to all the companions for their attention and our fantastic teacher for his enormous patience to our nervousness :)

Today we have been doing our project!

Miriam has been doing the poster and the rest of the group have been giving her some ideas to complet the poster.

In this image you can see the final result:

We didn't have some difficulties to share the information and we didn't have any problems!!!

Welcome adventurers another day to our blog. Today in class we have been working to create a poster about the Shanghai educational system. As a good team we have distributed the tasks and tomorrow we will continue working.

Soon we will put our wonderful poster :)

Have a good day, adventurer!!

Welcome to our blog about the subject pertaining to the teaching career of UA called Integrating Skills. We are Paula, Silvia, Cynthia and Miriam and belong to group 1. Read and enjoy with us.